After an initial steady diet of Korean Dramas, our Asian drama viewing has gradually expanded to include Japanese and Chinese dramas. This summarizes our viewing during the past 6 years:
- 143 Korean Dramas, start to finish. Some of those were better than others.
- In addition to the 143 KDramas that we finished, we stopped short of completing 99 other Korean Dramas. In total we have watched part or all of 242 KDramas—not including the 5 that are currently in progress.
- 38 Japanese Dramas, start to finish, in addition to 25 that we have abandoned. In total we have watched part or all of 63 JDramas—not including the 2 that are currently in progress.
- 3 Chinese Dramas, in addition to 4 that we have abandoned. In total we have watched part or all of 7 CDramas—not including 1 that is currently in progress.
There have been occasional time stretches where it seemed that we couldn't find any "good" dramas, but those were generally short-lived. One of those occurred recently when DramaFever went dark. Fortunately, however, other services have taken up the slack.
Beware the Ides of March!