
Japanese Dramas [ドラマs] (and Motion Pictures)

Ideas for Possible Future Viewing

  • Jin (Netflix)
  • Galileo season 2?

In Progress

Year 3: March 15, 2015-March 14, 2016

  1. Ando Lloyd = 安堂ロイド. A genius physicist is killed. Before he dies he creates an A.I. that looks exactly like himself. The A.I. time travels from 2113 to save the late physicist's fiancée.
  2. Minami-kun no Koi-bito (My Little Lover) = 南くんの恋人 (5 stars). Finished on 2/3/2016. The perfect fairy tale. My favorite JDrama. 5 stars.

Year 4: March 15, 2016-March 14, 2017

  1. Future Diary = 未来日記. Manga-based drama about 7 people with special phones that predict the future.  (DramaFever).
  2. Tenchū = 天誅. Female ninga time travels 400 years ahead to the present day.
  3. The Hours of My Life = 僕のいた時間.  An ordinary university student learns that he has ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). Extremely heart warming. 5 stars.
  4. Galileo = ガリレオ.  A university professor helps a detective woman solve some "mysteries." Episodic. Each episode is self-contained. Originally abandoned after watching all but two episodes. Decided to return to watch it.
  5. Clinic on the Sea = 海の上の診療所. A hospital boat goes around the inland sea of Japan visiting small islands. After abandoning this after two episodes, returned to watch all 11 episodes. 3 stars.
  6. Good Morning Call = グッドモーニング・コール.  Based on a manga series. On Netflix. Finished 11/23/2016.
  7. From Five to Nine =  5時から9時まで. Quit after 5 episodes of the male lead--a Buddhist monk--being a total jerk.  Revisited later and liked the last 5 episodes (6-10). Finished  1/27/2017. On KissAsian.com
  8. We Married as a Job = 逃げるは恥だが役に立つ. An unemployed woman cleans house for a terminally shy man 10 years older. They decide to (pretend to?) get married "as a job." Very funny--one of my favorite Japanese Dramas. Finished on 2/1/2017. On NewAsianTV.me. Watched a second time under it's English title The Full-Time Wife Escapist (Japanese title unchanged) on Viki, finishing it on 11 Jun 2022.
  9. It's Sudden but Tomorrow We're Getting Married = 突然ですが明日結婚します(on @KissAsian and @NewAsianTV and maybe a few others.) A girl from a happy family meets a television star. She wants to get married; he doesn't. (I won't spoil it for you.)

Year 5: March 15, 2017-March 14, 2018

  1. Koinaka = 恋仲 ("Love" or "Love Relationship"). Two grade schoolers named Aoi fall for the same girl. Years later one of them marries the girl. Which one will it be? Finished on 3/27/2017 on @Viki.
  2. I'm Mita, Your Houskeeper = 家政婦のミタ.  A dysfunctional family becomes even more dysfunctional until a dysfunctional housekeeper shows up. Watched last episode 4/23/2017 on @Viki.
  3. I'm Your Destiny = ボク、運命の人です (on @KissAsian)
  4. Dating: What's It Like to Be in Love? = デート - 恋とはどんなものかしら?  [ Deto - Koi to wa Donna Mono Kashira?] (on @KissAsian)
  5. Sunshine = おひさま.  This would have been our 11th Japanese Drama, but its subtitles weren't all translated. Initially watched episodes 1-21 and 31-40 in late 2016. In June or July 2017 we noticed that episodes 22-30 and 41-52  had been translated, so we resumed. Finished episode 52 on 5 Oct 2017 on @Viki. The plot had its ups and downs, but ended on a happy note. It begins in the period leading up to World War II and ends in about 1953, as narrated by a woman in the  present-day.
  6. Teddy Go! 4 30-minute episodes. Not sure what it was about, but it was good Japanese practice.
  7. Long Vacation (YouTube, 11 episodes). A piano student's roommate is a no show, leaving his prospective bride high and dry.
  8. Hero [2001] (YouTube, 11 episodes). About prosecutors in Tokyo.
  9. Gokusen [Part 1] (YouTube). 3rd generation yakuza heiress becomes a high school teacher to a bunch of hoodlums.
  10. Atelier. A company in Tokyo makes custom women's underwear.
  11. Ryōmaden = 龍馬伝 (DramaFever, 48 episodes). Historical drama that chronicles the role of Sakamoto Ryōma in Japan's modernization in the 19th century. He was instrumental in the development of Japan's navy in response to the arrival of the American Commodore Matthew Perry's 1853. His efforts were part of what led to the transfer of power from the Shogun to the Emperor and the Meiji Restoration in the late 1860's. (Fascinating for this former student of Japanese.)
  12. Final Fantasy XIV: Dad of Light = ファイナルファンタジーXIV 光のお父さん. A Father and son play Final Fantasy III when it is released. Then, years later, they play Final Fantasy IV.  Watched all eight short episodes of this TV drama on Netflix on 22-23 February 2018.

Year 6: March 15, 2018-March 14, 2019

  1. Yae's Sakura = 八重の桜. (DramaFever, 50 episodes). Historical drama about Niijima Yae, a skilled markswoman during the period of the Meiji Restoration. She received the nickname "Bakumatsu Joan of Arc." (Bakumatsu refers to the final years of the Edo period when the Tokugawa shogunate ended, between 1853 and 1867.) If you enjoy Ryōmaden, you'll like this one. Watched final episode 1 May 2018.
  2. Partners by Blood / Bitter Blood = ビター・ブラッド.  Rookie detective is assigned to work with his father. Funny until the last three episodes, which were a bomb. Finished 13 June 2018. On DramaFever.
  3. Satorare.  About a brilliant physician who was a Satorare—a fictional category of individuals whose thoughts could be heard by everyone nearby. Finished on 16 Jun 2018.
  4. By Chance (2018) =恋上你的颜. Feature movie. A Chinese woman who has been pursuing her doctorate in psychology for eight years has her thesis rejected yet again. She receives an email from a Japanese businessman who wants to take her photograph—her photo posted on social media looks just like his late fiancée, who died without him being able to take her photo. On Viki
  5. Doctor X (season 1). A free-lance female doctor goes against the Japanese medical establishment. Finished season 1 on 4 Aug 2018. On Amazon Prime.
  6. Switched = 宇宙(そら)を駆けるよだか.  A high school girl watches another girl attempt suicide by jumping off a roof. She doesn't die. Instead, the two girls switch bodies. 6 episodes on Netflix.
  7. Mary and the Witch's Flower = メアリと魔女の花. Feature movie, animated, about a girl who finds a mysterious flower that empowers her to become a witch for one night. The 6th highest grossing movie in Japan in 2017. Watched 18 August 2018 on Netflix.
  8. Love and Hong Kong (2017) = 恋する香港.   A Japanese actress is in Hong Kong for a shoot. Another Japanese woman uses the actress's photo as her avatar. A scuffle ensues, and the actress is kidnapped in the place of the other woman. Watched final (4th) episode on Netflix 26 Sep 2018.
  9. Black Leather Notebook = 黒革の手帖. A woman gets a job as a temp at a bank to pay off debts of her late mother. The becomes a hostess at a club on the Ginza in Tokyo. Watched episodes 1–4 and 8 only. (Skipped 5–7 out of boredom.) Finished 12 Oct 2018 on DramaFever.
  10. Trumpet on a Cliff = 絶壁の上のトランペット. Full-length feature film. A woman photography student in Tokyo has a heart transplant and goes to Okinawa to recover. She meets Zio, who plays trumpet on a cliff. (He also plays a mean carrot that sounds like a beautiful clarinet!) Viewed 18 Oct 2018 on Viki.
  11. Love Stories from Fukuoka. Watched 11th (and only?) episode on 24 Oct 2018. Quite liked this one.
  12. Overprotected Kahoko =過保護のカホコ. A college-degree-holding woman still depends on her overprotective mother to decide whatever she does. It ended up better than it began. Enjoyable. Finished 2 Dec 2018 on Viki.
  13. Caution, Hazardous Wife = 奥様は、取り扱い注意.  A quiet, low-key housewife ends up being capable of fending off the most dangerous bad guys. Really liked this one! Finished 9 Dec 2018 on Viki.
  14. Pretty Proofreader = 地味にスゴイ! 校閲ガール・河野悦子.  A fashion-conscious 28-year-old woman who wants to work  for a fashion magazine is able to get a job as proofreader. Watched last episode 14 Feb 2019 on Viki. Five stars.
  15. My Long Awaited Love Story = わたしに運命の恋なんてありえないって思ってた.  90-minute feature film on Viki. A woman who designs dating games consults with a large video game company. The CEO is clueless about women. The designer is able to teach the CEO about love. Definitely five stars!
  16. A Sharply Graceful Girl = はんなりギロリの頼子さん. A writer of articles for a Tokyo magazine is sent to Kyoto because he didn't measure up to the standards of the main office. He meets a girl who was born in Kyoto but doesn't speak with a Kyoto accent. She provides material for articles about Kyoto. 4 episodes, 20 minutes each. Watched on Viki 11 Mar 2019. Five stars.

Year 7: March 15, 2019–March 14, 2020

  1. Time Taxi = 素敵な選TAXI. A taxi can take its passengers back in time to a time they choose (for a fare, of course [most of the time]). Some of the episodes showed a great sense of humor. Watched last episode on Viki on March 24, 2019. Four stars. (Some episodes were 5.)
  2. Sumika Sumire = ウミカスミレ. A 65-year-old woman frees a magical cat from a painting. It enables her to relive her youth. Watched last (8th) episode Viki on April 5, 2019. Five stars.
  3. Osaka Loop Line = 大阪環状線. Ten short independent episodes that occur near stops on Osaka JR line that circles the city. Finished 10 April 2019.
  4. Stay Tuned = チャンネルはそのまま.  Five episodes about a smaller television station in Sapporo. Watched last episode 28 April 2019. 3 stars. On Netflix.
  5. May I Blackmail You? = 今からあなたを脅迫します. A man helps people in trouble by blackmailing the perpetrator of the trouble. A woman with unlimited funds tries to help others from the natural consquences of their actions. Finished 7 Jun 2019 on Viki.
  6. Good-bye, Enari-kun = サヨナラ、えなりくん. Not quite certain what this one was about, but all 9 of the 10 episodes. (The subtitles for episode 3 never worked.)  Finished 27 Jun 2019 on Viki.
  7. Your Home Is My Business = 家売りオンア. A woman is obsessed with selling houses. Finished 30 Jun 2019 on Viki.
  8. In Time with You = 僕はまだ君を愛さないことができ. A man and a woman—best friends since high school—finally realize that they love each other by the time they reach their 31st birthdays. Might have been 5 stars except for the ending, which bombed. The writer couldn't decide whether or not the two would marry, leaving an open ending for the viewers. Finished 3 Sep 2019 on Viki. 4 stars.
  9. Rilakkuma and Kaoru = リラックマとカオルさん (animated). A nice, stress-free drama about a woman, two bears, and a bird. Each episode is 10-15 minutes long. I like the bird the best. Watched last episode 16 Sep 2019.
  10. Takane and Hana = 高嶺と花. Based on an anime, a fun drama consisting of eight 25-minute episodes about an arranged marriage between the son of a rich family and a high school girl who was substituted for her older sister (who had no interest in the son). Watched last episode 28 Sep 2019 on Viki.
  11. Erased. Based on a manga, then anime, about a boy who tries to prevent murders by going back in time. He is able to save his mother and several schoolmates. He identifies the murderer, and—after awaking from a coma after 15 years, he manages to serve justice to the murderer. Rather dark and depressing. Finished watching 7 Nov 2019 on Netflix.
  12. Tuna Girl (motion picture). Like a documentary on saving tunas (fish)
  13. Ramen Shop (motion picture). Watch chefs cook and eat food in Japan and Singapore.
  14. When One Day I Will Sleep = いつか眠りにつく日. Six short (25-minute) episodes about a high school girl who dies when a school bus traveling to a school outing is involved in a crash. She meets the Reaper and sets straight things that need to be resolved. Then, a surprising ending shows that things aren't really what they seem. Very enjoyable. Finished 2 Dec 2019 on Viki.
  15. Hoping to Give You a Big Hug Tonight = 今夜勝手に抱きしめてもいいですか. Drama about three women and two men in love triangles (or is it a love pentagon?). One woman (a teacher of young children?) loves a college student (guy), who loves another college student, who meets her long-lost childhood first love (who has just become a well-known photographer). The rich daughter of a CEO also loves the photographer. Finished 21 Dec 2019 on Viki.
  16. Secret Unrequited Love = 僕の初恋をキミに捧ぐ. When the male lead was 8 years old and was in the hospital for heart problems, he met the female lead. Then promised to get married when they grew up. (He also met another girl, with whom he made some sort of promises.) The main action occurs when they are in high school. The end of the drama left me hanging, unfortunately. Seven 40-minute episodes. Finished watching 25 Feb 2020 on Viki.
  17. Hey Sensei, Don't You Know? = ねぇ先生、知らないの? Six half-hour episodes. A drama about a manga writer and her hair dresser. Unfortunately, the entire drama is about how the hair dresser finally gets the manga writer to "reward" him with sex. (I had to fast forward the last 10 minutes of the final episode. A complete waste of time. 0 stars. Finished on 12 Mar 2020 on Viki.

Year 8: March 15, 2020–March 14, 2021

  1. Criminologist Himura and Mystery Writer Arisugawa = 臨床犯罪学者 火村英生の推理. Patterned after Sherlock Holmes and Watson, a criminologist named Himura Hideo and a friend who writes mystery novels named Arisugawa Arisu work together to solve cases. Several cases are intertwined throughout the ten episodes. Watched last episode on 22 Mar 2020 on Viki.
  2. Is This Love Checkmate!? = この恋はツミなのか!? A 24-year-old salaryman who has never interacted with a girl in his life chances upon a 32-year-old woman who plays shōgi. Four 22-minute episodes. Watched all four on 11 May 2020 on Viki.
  3. Under the Miracle Cherry Tree = 僕だけが17歳の世界で...  A student who died at age 17 appears 7 years later in a temple near where he had grown up. It happened at the same time as a Sakura tree started blooming—earlier than usual, when the weather was still cold. He meets his friends, who are now 24 years old. A very sweet, 5-star drama. 8 half-hour episodes on Viki. Finished watching 19 Aug 2020.
  4. You Are My Destiny =  運命だら始まる恋. Probably a 1-star drama about a spoiled rich guy, a girl who has been picked on and bullied all her life, a spoiled girl who thinks she deserves the spoiled rich guy, and an artist. All get what they deserve (except for the picked on and bullied girl). 10 half-hour episodes. Finished 17 Nov 2020.
  5. Choosing Spouse by Lottery = 結婚相手は抽選で. The government picks single men and women as blind date partners. Interesting because it is somewhat unexpected. Probably a 3-star drama. 8 episodes. Finished 23 Dec 2020 on Viki.
  6. Ex-Enthusiasts = モトカレマニア = 元彼マニア. Several ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends try to become enthusiastic about their ex'es. Some succeed; some don't. Nine 45-minute episodes on Viki. Watched last episode 23 Jan 2021. Possibly as many as three stars?
  7. My Retirement, My Life = 体操しようよ. Motion picture. Workaholic widower lives with  his daughter until he retires and she decides to get married. He makes friends in an exercise group. 6 Feb 2021 on Viki. Very relaxing.
  8. Tori Girl = トリガール ["Bird Girl"]. Motion picture about a group of college students nerds in the Bird Man club (making flyable airplanes) to compete in the annual rally to fly over Lake Biwa in Japan. This year a college woman (Bird Girl) and a man (Bird Man) pedaled together to win the race. 16 Feb 2021 on Viki. Lots of fun.
  9. Today's Kira Kun. Really terrible manga-base motion picture about a high school girl, bullied in the past, is befriended by the most popular boy in the class. The boy suffers from a heart disease. Viewed 17 Feb 2021 on Viki.
  10. Till Death Do Us What. Motion picture on Viki. Very tastefully done autobiographical story about two friends (for 17 years) who get married. The bride gets pregnant, then learns that she has terminal cancer. The widower writes their story on their blog. 19 Feb 2021.
  11. All of Them Are Troublesome Girls. Motion picture on Viki. A male high school teacher has relationships with female students. Very troublesome. Can't recommend this one to anyone. 21 Feb 2021.
  12. Princess Jellyfish. A group of female NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) live in a house in Tokyo that is slated to be torn down to make way for a large real estate venture. One of the residents is crazy about jellyfish. Rather bizzare, but still enjoyable. Finished 5 Mar 2021.
  13. Anokono Toriko = あのコのトリコ.  Motion picture. As children, three friends (two boys, one girl) promised each other that they would be stars when they grew up. When they grew up, two were on their way to becoming stars. The other wasn't, initially. Thoroughly enjoyed this one, in part because of actor Ishitani Goro, who played the part of director. (He was the manager in Pretty Proofreader.) Watched 8 Mar 2021.

Year 9: March 15, 2021–March 14, 2022

  1. In-House Marriage Honey = 社内マリッジハニー.  A bachelor and a woman who has recently broken up with her long-term boyfriend meet using a dating app. They marry the day they meet for the first time. Then they realize that they both work for the same company. How will they let their colleagues know? 7 25-minute episodes on Viki. Finished 19 Mar 2021.
  2. Danger-less Detectives = 俺たちはあぶたくない〜クールにサボる刑事たち. Two super-cool guys are detectives who solve crimes without ever being in danger.  Good Japanese practice. (Not good for much else). 8 short episodes on Viki. Finished 10 Apr 2021.
  3. Lock-On Love = 覚悟はいいかそこの女子. Motion picture about a good looking high school guy that all the girls like, but he has had no girlfriends. A new student moves into the school. The guy decides he wants her as his girlfriend, but she isn't interested, etc. The loan shark in this movie is by far the nicest I have ever seen in any Asian Drama. Watched 12 Apr 2021 on Viki.
  4. Kiseki - Sobito of That Day = キセキあの日のソビト.  Motion picture about four real-life dental students who formed a band.  Their music topped the charts in Japan. They concealed their identities in order not to negatively affect their dental practices. Even today, their actual names are not known. Based on the true story of the Japanese vocal group "GReeeeN." Watched 22 Apr 2021 on Viki
  5. Heavenly Forest = ただ、君を愛してる. A shy freshman at university meets a cute girl he really likes. He is attracted to her because of her childlike appearance. The girl falls in love with the guy, but he doesn't reciprocate. She apparently has been taking a puberty blocker (?) in order to stay alive. She finally decides that she wants to look like a real woman for him, and stops the medicine, accelerating her terminal disease. Watched 23 Apr 2021 on Viki.
  6. Again. Fantastic motion picture about second chances ... for baseball players to play baseball, and for daughters to get to know their fathers. Watched 5 May 2021 on Viki.
  7. Fukuyadou Honpo: Kyoto Love Story = 福家堂本舗. A widow with three daughters (no sons) runs a traditional Kyoto sweets shop that has been in business for 450 years. She needs a son (well, a son-in-law will do) in order continue business after her death. Watched last episode (of 12 short episodes) 18 Apr 2021 on Amazon Prime Video.
  8. Tremble All You Want (motion picture). A girl imagines conversations with all her friends around her. Half-way through the movie, everything changes. Watched 21 May on Viki.
  9. One-Page Love = 1ページの愛. Six episode miniseries about a 17-year-old girl on a family vacation fo Uki island who falls in love with the son of the guesthouse owner while watching a meteor shower. Then promise to meet there again in four years. Well ... Cute but not totally convincing. Finished 23 May 2021 on Viki.
  10. An Incurable Case of Love. A school girl falls in love with a doctor in Kagoshima. She grows up, becomes a nurse, then encounters the same doctor in Tokyo. Finished 8 Oct 2021 on Viki. 10 episodes.
  11. You, Me, and Bach. A 19-year-old male college student, a 27-year-old single woman, and a married woman in her forties (?) all hear a single female violin teacher (in her late twenties) playing J.S. Bach's "Air for the G String" in a shopping mall. All three sign up for lessons. This drama is among my all-time favorite Asian dramas. Every minute of all 10 episodes is interesting--fascinating, really. Watched last episode 12 Nov 2021 on Viki.
  12. Super Rich. A woman who inherited a large fortune as a child, tries to run her own publishing company. She loses everything, then tries to make a comeback. Finished last episode on 26 Dec 2021. On Viki.
  13. Three Star Bar in Nishi Ogikubo = ミツ星洋酒堂. Three former high school friends—one an author, another who was driven by a chauffeur, and a third who was a chef, come together at a bar in the West Ogikubo district of Tokyo. Five short episodes. Well worth the watch, on Viki. Finished 19 Jan 2022.
  14. Tokyo Noodle Factory. A restaurant with barely enough staff got a clueless new manager. A fun drama with six 25-minute episodes on Viki. Finished 4 Mar 2022.

Year 10: March 15, 2022-March 14, 2023

  1. Only Just Married. Another fake marriage series of 10 episodes. The fake groom was totally clueless. 10 episodes. We watched the last one on April Fool's Day on Viki. (I feel somewhat fooled—well, puzzled—by the ending.)
  2. Rurouni Kenshin Origins. Feature-length movie set in about 1879 about a fictional former samurai who previously slaughtered many foes. He decides not to do that any more. In order not to kill, he used an inverted sword (i.e. it was sharp on the wrong side), so that when he swung at an opponent, it didn't cut the foe. Watched on 6 Apr 2022 on Netflix.
  3. A Girl and Three Sweethearts. A girl who has developed pâtissier skills gets fired and goes to work for a restaurant run by (ostensibly) three brothers. She becomes fond of at least two of them at different times. Watch yourself to find out the details. Finished episode 10 on 13 Apr 2022 on Viki. Good acting, somewhat frustrating storyline,
  4. Oh My Boss, Love Not Included = オー!マイ・ボス!恋は別冊で. A girl from a small town goes to Tokyo and applies for a job in the supply management department of a fashion magazine. She ends up working in the editorial department. She works with Reiko Horai, a devil-like boss. 10 episodes on Viki. Good Japanese practice. (Otherwise not the best there is). Finished on 29 May 2022.
  5. Don't Call It Mystery = ミステリという勿れ. A university student named Kuno Totono is so good figuring out mysteries that the local police get him to help solve them. Watched last (12th) episode on 17 Jun 2022. On Viki.
  6. The Full-Time Wife Escapist (motion picture). A follow-on movie on Viki. See Number 10 in year 4 (above) for the JDrama on which the motion picture was based. Watched 1 Jul 2022 on Viki.
  7. Why I Dress Up for Love = 着飾る恋には理由があって. A bunch of people live in a shared apartment with a dog. One person spends her time obsessing over Instagram. Another runs a food truck. 10 episodes on Viki. Watched last episode 21 Jul 2022.
  8. Heaven and Hell Soul Exchange. A female detective investigates a male psychopathic serial killer. During the process, their souls swap bodies. Watched last (10th) episode on 30 Jul 2022 on Viki.
  9. Sleepeeer Hit. About creators of mangas.
  10. Fight Song. A musician wrote a single hit song for years. Finished episode 10 on 23 Sep 2022
  11. My Cuteness Is About to Expire. A cute guy meets a person who purports to be himself from 30 years in the future, telling him that he will lose his cuteness on a certain date. 9 mostly 23-minute episodes on Viki. Watched last episode 6 Dec 2022.
  12. Silent. A high school student grows deaf as he completes high school. He withdraws initially, then gradually makes progress in coming out of his shell. Watched final (11th) episode 25 Dec 2022.
  13. How to Get a Divorce for the Whole Family. A fashion magazine editor marries an ace member of  the Air Rescue Wing of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. They fall in love and marry without dating, then have second thoughts. They both have parents who are having second thoughts about their marriages. Finished last (10th) episode on Viki 31 Dec 2022.
  14. Hold Me Back. Motion picture viewed 12 February 2023 on Viki. A single woman is a counselor who has an alternate version of herself in her mind.

Year 11: March 15, 2023-March 14, 2024

  1. Unexpected - Love Story in Maison Ginseiso = ハマる男に蹴りたい女. A guy with a job designing web interfaces for a beer company loses his job the same day his wife divorces him. His sister[?] gets him a job as a housekeeper/cook at the all-girl Maison Ginseiso. (N.B. Maison is French for house; Ginseisō = 銀星荘 literally "silver star [boarding] house"). This was "OK," mainly because it ended after only 10 episodes of 25 minutes each. Watched last episode 22 Mar 2023.
  2. On a Starry Night = 星降る夜に. An 35-year-old obstetrician and gynecologist is forced to leave the big city and practice in a small sea town. She encounters a deaf man 10 years younger than she is. This was hard to watch. It finally resolved in the 9th (final episode). I'm not sure if I can recommend this one. Watched last episode 2 Apr 2023 on Viki.
  3. Hold My Hand at Twilight. A girl goes from Kyūshū to Tokyo to be with her fiancé, who immediately dumps her. She discovers a talent for fashion design and meets a musician who becomes a star. Watched last episode on 10 Apr 2023.
  4. Animals. A woman who works for a popular TV talk show is overworked and falls asleep on the set. She finds a job at a makeup agency called Animal Beauty. Eight 30-minute episodes. If there had been more episodes or longer episodes, I would have dumped this without finishing it. Finished 14 Apr 2023.
  5. Is Love Sustainable. When her mother dies, the daughter moves in with her father so he won't live alone. Both explore marriage, but living in the same household make that difficult. 10 episodes. The 9th has a genuine cliff hanger. Unpredictable, somewhat strange ending. Watched last episode on 17 May 2023 on Viki.
  6. The Reason Why He Can't Marry. About a guy who carries a doll everywhere in a satchel. 10 short episodes on Viki, finished 1 Jun 2023. Weird but OK.
  7. A Warmed Up Love. A 21-year-old women who loves sweets works part-time in a convenience store. She reviews sweets on her blog. She is hired to develop sweets for the entire convenience store chain. Will a "sweet" romance follow? Watched final (10th) episode on Viki on 16 Jun 2023.
  8. Marry Me. The government matches up NEETs with government employees to get them to marry. Finished final (10th) episode on Viki on 22 Jun 2023.
  9. Marriage with Me Seriously. Another contract marriage drama. 8 episodes. Ended better than I expected on 20 Oct 2023, on Viki.
  10. 99.9: Criminal Lawyer. About a criminal defense lawyer who proves innocence of falsely accused defendents. Finished 7 Nov 2023.
  11. Don't Call It Mystery Special. This movie began just like the drama Don't Call it Mystery, then added a second part. The first part was much better than the second. Finished this one on 20 Dec 2023.
  12. One Day—It's a Wonderful Christmas Ado~. This drama occurred on Christmas Eve and Christmas. It occurred in a cafe, in a newsroom, and among cops trying to solve a shooting. By the end of the 11 episodes, all came together somewhat. Finished the last episode on 31 Dec 2023 on Viki. It was well worth the time spent watching it.
  13. Why Didn't I Tell You a Million Times? A woman reports her boyfriend missing. A detective can see him as a ghost. 10 episodes on Viki. Finished 23 Feb 2024. A good show.
  14. Restaurant from the Sky. Motion picture on Viki. Modern-day farmers of organic foods are trying to have their own restaurant. Watched 3 Mar 2024.

Year 12: March 15, 2024-March 14, 2025

  1. Brother Trap = ブラザー・トラップ. A girl likes two guys. After breaking up with the first one, she falls for another one, who ends up being the brother of the first one. Watched all 9 short episodes in two days on Viki. Finished 15 Apr 2024. Very satisying.
  2. Troubles All Aboard. An "Off-White" HR consultant joins forces with the president of "Jet Black" apparel maker. 10 episodes on Viki. Finished watching 2 May 2024.
  3. My Happy Divorced Life. A recent divorcee meets a new guy a work and people are giving her a hard time about it. Watched final (6th) episode on Viki 4 May 2024.
  4. 99.9 Criminal Lawyer., season 2. About a poor lawyer who takes on criminal cases, but makes no money, until he goes to work for a civil lawyer who makes LOTS of money. 10 episodes on Viki. Finished 18 May 2024.
  5. My Second Aoharu.  A woman has had bad luck all her life. She has failed her university entrance exams and is now 30 years old. Will she finally succeed in life? 10 episodes on Viki, finished 28 May 2024.
  6. Every Precious Moment. A piano instructor who feels like a failure meets a man with dissocitive amnesia who runs a food truck. She doesn't realize that he doesn't remember her. Is there a future for them? 9 episodes on Viki, finished 13 Jun 2024.
  7. Baby Vampire Blues. Two Tokyo vampires make a living running a coffee shop open only at night. The COVID outbreak ruins their supply of blood from the Vampire Association's headquarters in  Romania. What will they do? Watched last (6th) episode on Viki 25 Sep 2024.
  8. Eye Love You.  A woman accidentally becomes telepathic in a ferry boat accident. She can hear people's inner voices when she look the in the eye. A problem occurs when looks a colleague from Korea in the eye, if that college is thinking in Korean. Watched final (10th) episode on Viki on about 10 Oct 2024.
  9. Ghost Book. Motion picture about kids who must fight magic monsters and catch them inside a mysterious book. Watched 28 Sep 2024 on Viki.
  10. Beyond Goodbye. A heart transplant recipient gets the memory of the heart donor. 8 episodes on Netflix. Finished 24 Nov 2024.

    JDramas Abandoned

    1. Secret Message (JDrama/Kdrama). No plot. Couldn't figure this one out.
    2. Rainbow Rose. Hyper giggly Korean drama, overdubbed in Japanese with English subtitles. Slept through episode 1 on 12/2/2016.  Can't bear to watch another episode.
    3. Second to Last Love. I was initially very hopeful about this. However, after the two main actors slept together in episode 2 and talked openly about it at the beginning of episode 3, I lost all interest.
    4. 99 Days with a Star = 僕とスターの99日
    5. Samurai Gourmet (Netflix)
    6. You're My Pet. Watched one episode. Too "kinky."
    7. No Dropping Out, Back to School (an adult in high school)
    8. Blue Fire. Main character goes to art school, only to realize that many others are as good as he is. Watched 1-2 episodes.
    9. Hibana. About a comedian.
    10. Midnight Diner. Stopped after 1 1/3 episodes as it exceeded my threshold of raciness.
    11. Mischievous Kiss (Japanese version). Watched 4-5 episodes.
    12. Spring Has Come. Watched 2 episodes. Abandoned after it became apparent that the father was secretly a drag queen.
    13. Kantaro, Sweet-Toothed Salary Man
    14. Vampire Heaven
    15. Doctor X, season 2  (Amazon Prime) (might return to this one)
    16. The Perfect Insider (might watch more of this one?)
    17. A Girl's Breakfast. First episode had too much talk about who was having an affair at the moment. Boring.
    18. Frankenstein's Love
    19. Tokyo Tarareba Girls. Dropped after 2 episodes because everyone was having affairs.
    20. Fugitive Boys. Slept through most of the first episode.
    21. Holiday Love. Too racy for me.
    22. Age Harassment. Excessive harassment in the workplace. No plot otherwise. Gave up after watching half of the first episode.
    23. Swim! No plot at all. Barely made it through the first 9 minutes of episode 1.
    24. Adult High School. Dumped this one after 10 minutes and 30 seconds. Totally boring.
    25. Aino Mating Agency Inc. Slept through entire first episode. Not worth watching any more.
    26. Signal
    27. Osaka Loop Line 2
    28. I Bought My Boyfriend on a Loan
    29. Scam$. Too depraved for me. Didn't finish first episode.
    30. My Moochy Boyfriend. Watched only one episode. Totally stupid
    31. Giri/Haji. Quit after watching half of episode 1. Far too R-rated. (7 Feb 2020)
    32. Peanut Butter Sandwich. Watched first two episodes. No plot (28 Jul 2020)
    33. Parfait Tic. After fewer than 2 minutes, decided this is porn. Dropped it 20 Aug 2020.
    34. Kakafukaka.  After fewer than 2 minutes, decided this is porn. Dropped it 20 Aug 2020.
    35. A Virgin Woman of Literature.  After fewer than 2 minutes, decided this is porn. Dropped it 20 Aug 2020.
    36. Scum's Wish.  After fewer than 2 minutes, decided this is porn. Dropped it 20 Aug 2020.
    37. Noble Boys. Gave up after watching first 3 14-minute episodes on 9 Nov 2020.
    38. Alice in Borderland (Netflix) Dropped after one episode on 13 Dec 2020.
    39. Make a Bow and Kiss (Viki). Motion picture, dropped half-way through. Too abusive. 7 Feb 2021.
    40. Age of Samurai. Abandoned after 10 minutes. Can't recommend this drama to anyone.  6 Mar 2021.
    41. L-DK. Motion picture abandoned after 40 minutes. Can't recommend this one. 14 Apr 2021.
    42. Love's Phantom. Abandoned after 1 1/2 episodes. Too creepy. 28 May 2021.
    43. Deliveries from the Heart. Abandoned after 2 episodes on 28 May 2021.
    44. Black Cinderella. Watched 1 episode on 10 Aug 2021 on Viki.
    45. Captivated by You. Watched a few minutes of first episode on 23 Sep 2021.
    46. My Fair Prince. Watched a few minutes of first episode on 23 Sep 2021.
    47. Can't Run Away from Love. Stopped after 3 abusive episodes on 6 November 2021 on Viki.
    48. A Story to Read When You First Fall in Love. Watched first four episodes about a teacher who falls in love with a student. We tired of this and then skipped to the last (10th) episode. Didn't miss anything. Watched last episode on 26 Dec 2021 on Viki.
    49. Boys over Flowers = 花より男子 (Viki). Dumped after a couple of episodes. (Didn't like the Japanese version either.)
    50. Rokuhoudou Colorful Days (Viki). Dropped after a couple of episodes. The male actors were too sweet with each other.
    51. Old Enough. Stupid drama about little kids being assigned to do stuff.
    52. Isekai Izakaya Nobu. Had high hopes, but gave up on this one
    53. Involvement in Family Affairs. Watched only episode 1 on Viki 1 Jan 2023.
    54. Wakako-zake. Gave up after viewing episode 2 on Viki 6 Jan 2023.
    55. My Fair Prince. Dumped after one episode on Viki 13 Jan 2023.
    56. The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House. Dumped after 2 episodes on Netflix 14 Jan 2023.
    57. Cinderella Again. Gave up after 4 episodes on Viki 18 Jan 2023.
    58. Rental a Girlfriend. Watched second episode on Viki on 21 Feb 2023. Unexciting
    59. Unnatural. A forensics team tries to solve murders. Abandoned after two episodes on 23 Jul 2023. Too creepy for words. (On Viki)
    60. It's Not That I Can't Marry. I Don't Marry. Abandoned after episode 4 on 12 Aug, 2023. A waste of my time. Why is a 40-something woman falling for an immature 20-something guy who is a jerk?
    61. Pending Train (Netflix). Talk about bizzare! Dumped after 1 episode on 21 Aug 2023.
    62. 36,000 Seconds in a Day. About slacker high school boys. Abandoned after 5 episodes on 24 Aug 2023.
    63. Boys Who Cook. Watched first two 6-minute episodes, then dropped on 5 Sep 2023.
    64. Please Love Me. Another fake marriage JDrama. Abandoned after one episode on 5 Sep 2023.
    65. Cinderellas of Midsummer. Dumped this one after giving episode 1 a second chance, on 20 Oct 2023.
    66. Mr Bride. Abandoned this one after one episode on 23 Nov 2023.
    67. Date of Marriage. Abandoned this one after 3 1/2 episodes, on 7 Dec 2023.
    68. Plus Sized Misadventure in Love. Dumped after two episodes on 18 Dec 2023.
    69. Please Love Me. Dumped after one episode on 15 Jan 2024.
    70. Ojisan Is Cheering for My Love. Dumped after two episodes 30 Mar 2024.
    71. Three Dads. Watched only two episodes, 31 Mar 2024
    72. Midnight Snack. Watched only one episode, 19 Aug 2024.
    73. Trillion Game. Watched episode 1 on 3 Sep 2024.
    74. Shinsengumi. Watched episode 1 on 4 Sep 2024.
    75. Blue Moment. Watched first episode 27 Sep 2024.
    76. Where Does the Sea Begin. Watched 5th episode on 15 Dec 2024.
    77. Aoshima-kun Is a Bully. Gave up after 1 1/2 episodes on 1 Jan 2025.
    78. The Reason We Fall in Love. Gave up after one episode on 1 Jan 2025.